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Management of a coastal trainline - Mataró, Maresme Coast

Collège Aménagement du Littoral

Built nearly two centuries ago along the coast, the R1 railway carries more than 40 million passengers each year. Certain sections are only 5-10 meters from the shoreline and in some places the railway is at the same level as the beach. The Maresme coastline faces a significant problem: a regressing coastline due to climate change impacts like sea level rise and frequent storms which cause coastal erosion. The coast is losing more and more ground. According to the geologist J M. Vilaplana, the R1 railway "has its days numbered", which will greatly affect local life. This situation is the result of a lack of consideration and knowledge of the movements of the coastline and a lack of anticipation. A durable solution would be to relocate the trainline and regenerate the shoreline. Perhaps it iwill be necessary to rethink the organization of transport modes, and even more globally, the functioning of society?


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Ajouté le 03/03/22par Ana

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