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DIY Toothpaste

Difficulté facile Coût faible 15 mins Déchets Aquatiques

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DIY Toothpaste

Ingredients & Ustensils

- 2 teaspoons of white argyle 

- 1/2 teaspoons of calcium carbonate 

- a pinch of salt 

- essential oil (mint of lemon) 

- Funnel 

- Glass jar 

- Table spoon

- Bowl 

- Tissue


Step 1 : Mix the powders 

Mix into the bowl :

- two teaspoons of white argyle

- 1/2 teaspoon of carbonate of calcium 

- a pinch of salt 

Step 2 : Add the essentials oils 

Add to the mix, one to three drops of essential oil 

Mix the preparation again 

Step 3 : Put your preparation in a small glass jar 

Using a funnel, pour the powder into a small glass jar.

Put a tissue between the lid and the pot to avoid contact between the argyle and the metal. 

Tips and tricks

- Healing and anti-inflammatory properties

- Potent but gentle cleansing effect

- Natural ingredients

- No surfactants, preservatives or micro-beads

Ajouté le 30/10/18par Compte Officiel

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